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Pre Hospital Care and Anaesthesia; What Do I Know?

Pre-hospital Care
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The world of Pre Hospital Emergency Anaesthesia (PHEA) can increasingly feel protocol and system driven with prescriptive guidelines permeating every aspect of drug administration and equipment use to debriefing techniques. But is there really only one way?

Dr Chatterjee is a vastly experienced HEMS doctor and anaesthetist who works in a hyper resourced trauma system. He asks the question of whether protocols and techniques from this world can really translate to lower resource settings.

What about the junior medic deployed to a conflict in Ethiopia or Ukraine?

What about a solo practitioner in a remote mountain village in Nepal, living within the community that they treat?

He will explore some of the lessons learned from his own experience and that of ‘far braver colleagues’ he has worked alongside, to discover if the right answer is indeed within our reach.

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Length: 54m
Guests: John Chatterjee
Categories: Pre-hospital Care

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