Surgical Sieve for Tropical Medicine Differentials

Tropical Medicine
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Navigating tropical diseases and making accurate diagnoses can be challenging, especially when working in remote locations with limited resources. In this interactive webinar, Dr. Laura McArthur, a remote rural GP with experience practicing in tropical environments worldwide, will provide a clinical reasoning framework to help clinicians develop differential diagnoses for common tropical conditions.

Using an engaging case-based approach, Dr. McArthur will demonstrate how to leverage geography, endemic diseases, symptoms, timelines, risk factors, and pathophysiology to methodically narrow down possibilities.

Key learning objectives include:

  • Learning how to break down tropical diseases into logical categories to simplify diagnosis
  • Understanding how to incorporate location, patient risk factors, and disease endemicity into clinical reasoning
  • Reviewing important parasitic, bacterial, and fungal diseases that cause fever, diarrhea, rash, and other common presentations
  • Building skills in piecing together clinical clues from history and exam to identify tropical mimics of routine conditions

The webinar will equip participants with a clinical sieve to efficiently work through tropical medicine differentials even when diagnostic resources are scarce.

More Information

Length: 44m
Guests: Laura McArthur
Host: Eoin Walker
Categories: Tropical Medicine

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