Terms and Conditions
Contact Form
All details provided by customers & through enquiries are for the exclusive use of World Extreme Medicine employees to assist in responding to your enquiry or question. Any information you provide us with will not be passed onto third parties, the information will be captured on our customer database provided by Mailchimp for the use of World Extreme Medicine employees.
Any information you provide us will not be passed on to third parties.
Internet communications & emails are not necessarily secure. Therefore, World Extreme Medicine cannot accept responsibility for changes made to a message after it has been sent.
If you should receive a suspicious message claiming to be from us, please contact us on +44 (0) 1297 300503. We will do likewise if we should have any doubts or suspicions your communication to us has been tampered with as long as we have your appropriate contact details on file.
We use Mailchimp as our email marketing platform.
When booking a course or agreeing to World Extreme Medicine services:
You must actively opt in to receive marketing communications either during checkout or by signing up to our mailing list. Your data will be stored securely within Mailchimp’s platform in accordance with their privacy policies. We will only send you marketing communications if you have explicitly consented. You can unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe button in any email, emailing [email protected], or following Mailchimp’s unsubscribe processes.
Information Collection and Data Storage
Every time you log on to our website your IP (Internet Protocol) address registers on our servers. Your IP address reveals no information other than the number assigned to you. We do not use this technology to get any personal data against your knowledge or free will.
When you interact with our services, we collect and process various types of information to provide our services effectively and securely. Essential information includes your IP address, which is automatically collected when accessing our website for security monitoring and traffic analysis purposes. During course bookings, we collect comprehensive details including your course selections, dates, any special requirements, and medical information where relevant for your safety and course participation. We require your contact information including name, email, phone number, address, and emergency contact details to maintain communication and ensure your safety during courses. Payment information is processed securely through our authorised payment providers.
Your data may be processed by both World Extreme Medicine and Mailchimp for sending marketing communications (with consent), customising content and advertising, providing social media features, analysing website traffic, and improving our services.
Data Processing and Storage
World Extreme Medicine maintains a secure course booking database integrated with our customer relationship management system. This connects with our internal communications platform and document management system to ensure seamless service delivery. Mailchimp provides comprehensive database management, campaign systems, and subscriber preference controls. Their platform includes analytics, reporting tools, custom audience management, and automation workflows to enhance our communication effectiveness.
Our operational processing covers essential functions including course booking administration, secure payment processing, and distribution of course materials. We maintain attendance records and manage certification processes while implementing quality assurance measures. Communications processing ensures you receive essential course information, safety updates, and logistical arrangements.
We use several different cookies on our site. If you do not know what cookies are, or how to control or delete them, then we recommend you visit http://www.aboutcookies.org for detailed guidance.
Currently, we operate an ‘implied consent’ policy, which means that we assume you are happy with this usage. If you are not happy, then you should either not use this site, or you should delete the cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.)
First Party Cookies
Our website uses WordPress and cookies are used to store basic data on your interactions with WordPress, and whether you have logged into WordPress. We use a session cookie to remember your log-in for you if you are a registered user and we deem these as being strictly necessary to the working of the website. If these are disabled then various functionality on the site will be broken.
More information on session cookies and what they are used for at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/cookies/session-cookies-used-for.html
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to collect information about visitor behaviour on our website. Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. This analytics data is collected via a JavaScript tag in the pages of our site and is not tied to personally identifiable information. We, therefore, do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.
You can find out more about Google’s position on privacy as regards its analytics service at http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/analytics/privacyoverview.html
Third Party Cookies
These are cookies set on your machine by external websites whose services are used on this site. Cookies of this type are the sharing buttons across the site allow visitors to share content on to social networks. Cookies are currently set by LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. To implement these buttons and connect them to the relevant social networks and external sites, there are scripts from domains outside of our website. You should be aware that these sites are likely to be collecting information about what you are doing all around the internet, including on this website.
You should check the respective policies of each of these sites to see how exactly they use your information and to find out how to opt out or delete such information.
These are the terms and conditions of World Extreme Medicine Ltd. which apply to those who are advised by World Extreme Medicine Ltd. that they will be participating in the course. Bookings are accepted subject to you agreeing to the conditions set out below: –
Your contract with World Extreme Medicine– When registering for the course, you undertake that you accept these booking conditions and have the authority to do so. Your contract will be with us, World Extreme Medicine, 6-7 Weycroft House, 2A Weycroft Avenue, Axminster, Devon, EX13 5HU. We will confirm our contractual commitment to you by sending to you a booking confirmation and receipt. It is only then that these terms and conditions will apply, and a contract will exist between us. Your deposit guarantees your place on the course up to 8 weeks prior to the start date. If full payment is not received by this time, you may lose your place on the course and forfeit your deposit. Your contract with World Extreme Medicine Ltd is governed by English laws and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
- Participation and Risk– You must be 18 years or over at the time of the start date of the course and in a suitable physical condition to undertake the course as set out in the course outline. The outline given for each course must be accepted as an indication of the event and not a contractual obligation on our part. It is a condition of joining the course that you accept this flexibility and acknowledge that any alteration that results in delays, discomfort, disappointment or inconvenience are possible. Participation in the course will be subject to the availability of places and reaching a minimum number of participants for each course/departure. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. You must agree that any photography taken prior to or during the course, which may include you in it, is the property of World Extreme Medicine and may be used in future publicity materials by World Extreme Medicine. If participating in an overseas course you must also be aware of the possible risks inherent in adventure travel.
- Cancellation of Booking – Please find below a table of the cancellation arrangements:
Time of Cancellation | Percentage Refund |
More than 8 weeks prior to course | Loss of deposit |
30-59 days prior to course | 50% refund |
15-29 days prior to course | 30% refund |
7-14 days prior to course | 10% refund |
6-0 days prior to course | 0% refund |
If a cancellation has been made 8 weeks prior to the course, World Extreme Medicine will endeavour to transfer the deposit to another course within 12 months but reserves the right to retain the deposit if this proves impossible.
Deposits are charged at £200-£250 for all UK courses and £500 ($500 where applicable) for courses held in the rest of the world. Where the full fee is paid, the deposit forms part of this payment.
- Accommodation – Where accommodation is provided, the courses are based in dormitory accommodation and sharing a tent unless otherwise stated. If you are joining a course alone you will be partnered with a person of the same sex.
- Health, Safety & Fitness and your Insurance Cover – The course in which you will be participating will require a good level of fitness, strength and endurance and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate level of fitness to undertake the challenge. You should check with an appropriate professional to ensure that you are sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in the event. For any overseas course, you will need to complete a medical questionnaire and World Extreme Medicine reserve the right to obtain further information from you and/or your GP relating to any medical condition they are concerned about, and also reserve the right to refuse entry to any participant that they feel is not medically fit enough to take part. If your medical condition changes in any way after completing the medical form and before the departure date, then you must inform World Extreme Medicine and the insurance company of these changes.
- You should take into account that medical and other facilities at your destination are likely to be inferior to those in the United Kingdom. It is a condition of registration that in the event of an emergency we have your authority to arrange any necessary surgical or medical treatments that you might need and to sign any consent forms on your behalf. You must comply with the laws and regulations of the countries visited and comply with all reasonable instructions of the Course Staff relating to the safety and organisation of the course. If in our opinion, or the opinion of another person in authority, you are behaving in such a manner as to cause danger, distress, or annoyance to others or cause damage to property, your course arrangements may be terminated by us, or the supplier concerned. In such an event we will have no liability to you and will not make any refunds, pay any compensation or meet any costs or expenditure you incur as a result. Furthermore, you must meet any expenditure we incur as a result of your behaviour.
- Cancellation – World Extreme Medicine reserves the right to cancel a course in any circumstances. Your course will not be cancelled less than 6 weeks before the departure/start date unless due to circumstances outside of our control. If we have to cancel your course due to reasons other than that of Force Majeure, we will either offer you an alternative course or a full refund. If the course does not have the minimum number of participants the course fee will be returned to you but we will not be liable for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred. We will not cancel a trip due to low numbers less than six weeks before departure/ start date. Cancellation of a course due to major local or global events, such as disease outbreak or natural disaster, will result in the automatic transfer of funds to the next available course or suitable alternative within 12 months. Should the you choose to cancel your booking, the above cancellation terms will apply.
- Destination Safety and Force Majeure – Your personal safety during the event is of fundamental importance to us and whilst we will carefully monitor the safety of your destination, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office does offer a travellers’ advice line, and you should ensure that you are kept informed of the latest FCO advice.
- Alterations – World Extreme Medicine and its supplier of accommodation and land arrangements shall be entitled to change the details of itinerary. If we are required to change the itinerary in any way during the course, the Course Staff will facilitate this to the best alternative. The decision of the Course Leader is final. We are not responsible for changes that arise as a result of Force Majeure and are out of our control such as technical or maintenance problems with transportation, changes imposed on rescheduling or cancelling flights by an airline, war or threat of war, civil strife, industrial disputes, natural disasters, bad weather, terrorist activity or bureaucratic obstacles.
- Additional fees – In rare instances, external factors may force a change in the schedule or activities that could incur additional costs for which the customer may be liable. Where additional costs may be involved, World Extreme Medicine will discuss plans with customers before making any agreement, the incurrence of additional cost and participation in the activity will remain optional.
- Standard and Quality of Accommodation and Services– Your booking is accepted on the understanding that you realise that the tourism infrastructure in relation to both travel and accommodation may be substantially lower than you would expect in the UK and you should not have unreasonable expectations of the facilities that will be provided. As a consequence, we will endeavour to make sure connections and transfers go smoothly but this may not always be possible due to local political situations, weather, mechanical breakdown, or other unforeseen circumstances. Timings of air, sea, road and rail departures are therefore estimated only due to the above possible situations occurring.
- Liability – We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees, agents and suppliers (except for claims for death, injury or illness – see below). In any such case our liability will be limited to a maximum of twice your contribution to the original expedition cost.
- World Extreme Medicine accepts responsibility for death, injury or illness caused by negligent acts and/or omissions of us, our employees, agents, suppliers and sub-contractors whilst acting within the scope of, or in the course of their employment in the provision of any part of your travel arrangements in the itinerary, that we are contractually obliged to provide. We will, accordingly, pay to an affected participant such damages as might have been awarded in such circumstances under English law. However, damages are not payable where any failure to perform the contract is due neither to any fault on our part or a supplier of any part of your travel arrangements or is attributable to you, or unforeseen or unavoidable actions of a third party unconnected with the event or unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control or an event which could not have been foreseen even with the exercise of all due care. We do not accept responsibility in respect of death, bodily injury or illness of any person on one of our expeditions as a result of (but not limited to) physical exertion for which a participant is not prepared, force of nature, consumption of alcohol, civil unrest, terrorism, breakdown of equipment, high altitude, access to medical attention in remote locations and adequacy of medical facilities in country.
- With respect to carriage by air, sea and rail and the provision of accommodation, the amount of compensation Extreme Medicine may be obliged to pay will be limited in the manner provided by the relevant International Convention.
- Any arrangements you make independently which do not form part of the event are entirely at your own risk.
- Passports, Visas and Health– For overseas courses please note that you will require a full British passport with at least 6 months’ validity at the date of return travel. For EC and other passport holders please contact the relevant Embassy, Consulate or British Foreign Office for the exact requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct passport and visa to gain access to any country/region included in the event. It is also your responsibility to ensure you obtain the proper and detailed medical advice from your GP. Where you do not do so and are either not allowed to enter any country or suffer personal injury or death, we have no liability to you for any cost loss or damage that you suffer.
- Risk– You are participating in an adventure challenge and that is not without risk. You must be adequately fit enough to cover the distances set out in the itinerary and therefore take part entirely at your own risk. By accepting these booking conditions you agree to indemnify World Extreme Medicine against claims for loss or damage to personal property and for loss or claims arising from your own actions. For any other activity, you must agree to wear the safety clothing or equipment deemed necessary by the local service provider and World Extreme Medicine.
- Post Course Liability – World Extreme Medicine is not responsible for any decision or action you might take if you are subsequently employed as a medic on an expedition after the completion of any of the expedition medicine courses.
- Your Contractual Requirements – By signing the application form you agree to accept the authority and decisions of our employees, group leaders, agents and suppliers while on the course. The Course Leader may at any time during the course of the event terminate your participation if they consider it necessary for the health or safety of you or the group. If you commit an illegal act we shall cease to have a responsibility to you or for you. English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts govern this contract. By signing this agreement you are confirming that any legal action you might bring against the company or any of its employees will always take place within the UK.
- Marketing Under Data Protection legislation, at the time of booking your course and agreeing to the World Extreme Medicine Service, you will be added to our database as we believe we can demonstrate that we have a Legitimate Interest in using your data for some marketing purposes. We will send you our marketing newsletters, and may use your information to customise content and advertising, to provide social media features and to analyse traffic to our website. We will treat your data with respect and only send you information we believe to be of relevance to you. However, you do have a choice to request to be removed from emails by clicking the unsubscribe button. You can also request that your information is not used within online marketing by emailing [email protected].
These are the terms and conditions of World Extreme Medicine Ltd. which apply to those who are advised by World Extreme Medicine Ltd. that they will be participating in the event. Bookings are accepted subject to you agreeing to the conditions set out below:-
- Accommodation and travel– the Space Medicine course is not residential. Delegates are responsible for all travel and accommodation arrangements.
- Cancellation of Booking – Please find below a table of the cancellation arrangements:
Time of Cancellation | Percentage Refund |
More than 30 days prior to course | Refund minus £50 admin fee |
30-8 days prior to course | 50% refund |
6-0 days prior to course | 0% refund |
These are the terms and conditions of the World Extreme Medicine Conference which apply to those who are advised that they will be attending the World Extreme Medicine Conference by World Extreme Medicine. Bookings are accepted subject to you agreeing to the conditions set out below:-
- Your contract is with World Extreme Medicine
When registering for the conference, you undertake that you accept these booking conditions and have the authority to do so. Your contract will be with us, World Extreme Medicine, 6-7 Weycroft House, 2A Weycroft Avenue, Axminster, Devon, EX13 5HU, United Kingdom. We will confirm our contractual commitment to you by sending to you a booking confirmation and receipt. It is only then that these terms and conditions will apply and a contract will exist between us. When paying a deposit, your payment guarantees your place at the conference up to 8 weeks prior to the start date. If full payment is not received by this time, you may lose your place at the event and forfeit your deposit. Your contract with World Extreme Medicine Ltd is governed by English laws and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. - Promotions and Discounts and Deposit payments
World Extreme Medicine reserves the right to make use of time-limited codes to offer a discount on ticket purchase price. World Extreme Medicine holds no responsibility for failure to use the relevant code at the time of booking or before the code’s expiry date. World Extreme Medicine reserves the right to assist bookers who’ve neglected to use the code but who contact the office within 24 hours of purchase. If you have paid by deposit the balance payment will be due 8 weeks prior to the event. - Participation – The outline given for conference content each course must be accepted as an indication of the event and not a contractual obligation on our part. It is a condition of attending the conference that you accept this flexibility and acknowledge that any alteration that results in delays, discomfort, disappointment or inconvenience are possible. Attending in the conference will be subject to availability of places and reaching a minimum number of delegates. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. You must agree that any photography taken prior to or during the course, which may include you in it, is the property of WEM and the Extreme Medicine Conference series and may be used in future publicity materials.
- Cancellation of Booking 2025 – Delegates
Table of cancellation timescales are listed below. You can also request a transfer to a future year or a credit note may be offered. The conference content, timings and speakers are as advertised, but cannot be guaranteed due to unforeseen emergencies, illness and circumstances. Requests to change ticket type are subject to cancellation terms as listed.
Cancellation of Booking – Please find below a table of the cancellation arrangements:
Time of Cancellation | Refund |
More than 8 weeks prior to event | ticket price with £50 deduction |
4 to 8 weeks prior to event | ticket price with £150 deduction |
Less than 4 weeks prior to the event | 0% refund |
Cancellation of Booking 2025 – Exhibitors
Cancellation of exhibitor spaces made at least 8 weeks before the event will incur a £150 administration fee. Cancellations made after 27th September 2025 will not be refunded, however, we will offer a full refund less an administration fee if the space can be filled.
- Health, Safety & Fitness and your Insurance Cover
It is a condition of registration that you make adequate provision for insurance cover for travel and medical cover whilst in the UK (if applicable). If in our opinion, or the opinion of another person in authority, you are behaving in such a manner as to cause danger, distress, or annoyance to others or cause damage to property, your conference arrangements may be terminated by us. In such an event we will have no liability to you and will not make any refunds, pay any compensation or meet any costs or expenditure you incur as a result. Furthermore you must meet any expenditure we incur as a result of your behaviour. - Cancellation – World Extreme Medicine reserves the right to cancel the World Extreme Medicine Conference in any circumstances. This conference will not be cancelled before the published date unless due to circumstances outside of our control. Cancellation of the conference due to major local or global events, such as disease outbreak or natural disaster, will result in the automatic transfer of funds to the next available event or an alternative WEM activity within 12 months. Should the customer choose to cancel their booking, the above cancellation terms will apply.
- Alterations – World Extreme Medicine and the World Extreme Medicine Conference Series shall be entitled to change the details of the conference content, timings and speakers resulting from unforeseen emergencies, illness and circumstances. We are not responsible for changes that arise as a result of Force Majeure and are out of our control such as technical or maintenance, problems with transportation, changes imposed on rescheduling or cancelling flights by an airline, war or threat of war, civil strife, industrial disputes, natural disasters, bad weather, terrorist activity or bureaucratic obstacles.
- Liability – We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees, agents and suppliers. In any such case our liability will be limited to a maximum of twice your contribution to the original entrance cost. Any arrangements you make independently which do not form part of the event are entirely at your own risk.
- Post Conference Liability – The World Extreme Medicine conference and World Extreme Medicine are not responsible for any decision or action you might take if you are subsequently employed as a medic on any expedition after attending any of the World Extreme Medicine conference series.
World Extreme Medicine – Behaviour Policy
NOLS founder, Paul Petzoldt summarises expedition behaviour as “an awareness and attention to all relationships that influence an outdoor experience.”
Code of Conduct for participants taking part in World Extreme Medicine (WEM) courses, events, and expeditions.
The WEM team wants everyone involved in our events to have an enjoyable, impactful, challenging and safe experience. As part of this we ask that you abide by the Code of Conduct:
• Be open and enthusiastic to new experiences, cultures, and points of view.
• Contribute to a positive and respectful experience and learning environment.
• Take responsibility for individual and collective success.
• Collaborate with the group towards the common goal.
• Conduct yourself with integrity and respect.
• Take responsibility for the safety of yourself and the group.
• Ensure your compliance with local laws.
• Be sensitive to local culture and customs.
• Do not act in a way with may disrupt, offend, or have a negative impact on the group, staff or local communities.
Personal information and data
During your time with us you may have access to personal information which people may share with you directly, to the group or via electronic platforms, such as WhatsApp. Information may include email addresses, phone numbers, place of work, medical concerns etc. this information must be kept confidential and not used in a way that could be deemed to negatively impact or harass anyone.
Alcohol and drugs
World Extreme Medicine maintains a stringent zero-tolerance policy regarding the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription medications. Any individual found to be in violation of this policy will face immediate removal from the event and may be subject to further disciplinary action or legal consequences.
In some high-risk settings, it may be necessary to take a zero-tolerance approach to alcohol consumption to ensure safety.
Alcohol consumption must not impact the health and safety of yourself or the group. You must consider the potential for behavioural changes when consuming alcohol and the potential for impact on the group and the local environment.
This policy applies to all attendees, staff, volunteers, speakers, and any other individuals participating in or associated with World Extreme Medicine events. The organisation reserves the right to conduct random checks to ensure compliance with this policy.
By participating in World Extreme Medicine events, all individuals acknowledge and agree to abide by this policy. World Extreme Medicine is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and professional environment for all participants.
Bullying and harassment
World Extreme Medicine maintains a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, and any form of unreasonable behaviour. Our commitment is to provide a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all participants.
- Any individual found to be engaging in bullying, harassment, or unreasonable behaviour risks immediate removal from the event and may face additional disciplinary action.
- This policy applies to all attendees, staff, volunteers, speakers, and any other individuals participating in or associated with World Extreme Medicine events.
- World Extreme Medicine encourages the reporting of any incidents of bullying, harassment, or unreasonable behaviour. If you are subject to or witness such behaviour, we strongly urge you to report it to the event leader or your preferred member of World Extreme Medicine staff.
- All reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will be thoroughly investigated.
- World Extreme Medicine is committed to taking appropriate action in response to any verified incidents, which may include warning the offender, immediate removal from the event, or barring from future events.
- Retaliation against anyone who reports an incident or cooperates in an investigation will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action.
By participating in World Extreme Medicine events, all individuals acknowledge and agree to abide by this policy. World Extreme Medicine is dedicated to fostering a respectful, professional, and inclusive environment for all participants.
Removal from events
Where necessary, individuals involved in significant misconduct, poor behaviour, law-breaking or posing a safety risk may be removed from the event. This will be handled by the Course Leader or, if present, a member WEM management
In expedition environments WEM will ensure your safe transfer to the relevant meeting point/destination. You will be solely responsible for any expense incurred by your removal from a course due to bad behaviour.
“Poor expedition behaviour is a breakdown in human relations caused by selfishness, rationalisation, ignorance of personal faults, dodging blame or responsibility, physical weakness, and in extreme cases, not being able to risk one’s own survival to insure that of a companion.” Paul Petzoldt