Join Jen Sherman, emergency physician and World Extreme Medicine faculty member, in this comprehensive webinar on mental health and resilience during expeditions. Drawing from her extensive experience, Sherman covers crucial topics including:
- Expedition psychology and group dynamics.
- Pre-expedition screening and preparation.
- Managing stress and anxiety in remote environments.
- Recognising and addressing mental health issues in the field.
- Supporting team members and fostering group cohesion.
- Self-care strategies for expedition medics.
- Post-expedition adjustment and mental health.
Whether you’re a seasoned expedition medic, an aspiring adventurer, or part of an expedition leadership team, this webinar provides invaluable insights to help you maintain mental wellbeing in challenging environments. Learn how to anticipate, prevent, and respond to various psychological challenges, ensuring a successful and rewarding expedition experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of mental health in extreme environments and develop strategies for personal and team resilience!