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Pre-hospital Critical Care in British Columbia

Pre-hospital Care
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In this webinar, we will look at the various skills, patients, interventions and ceilings of care that the Critical Care Paramedics within British Columbia practice. We will also explore some of the recent initiatives that the Critical Care program has achieved in the last few years such as pre-hospital blood administration, high acuity ECMO transfers, robust ultrasound governance sessions and more.

Adam Greene is a Critical Care Paramedic Unit Chief at British Columbia Emergency Health Service. He is also an honorary lecturer at Cardiff University on the Masters in Critical Care. He amongst others has recently published the Development of a national out-of-hospital Transfusion Protocol: a modified RAND Delphi study. He has also been accepted for his PhD at Monash University in Australia.

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Length: 44m
Host: Eoin Walker
Categories: Pre-hospital Care

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